Meme Deconstruction
In our rapidly and constantly developing world everything is changing, gaining new forms and meaning. Starting from the second half of the 20th century, when society became a prisoner of postmodernism, deconstruction turned into a necessity, the only opportunity not to tire of the endlessly circulating flows of information which loses its relevance and starts bothering us in days or even hours. The permanent rethinking, mocking, and hunting for new meaning is a vent of our society of artists-consumers living in the conditions of permanent revisionism. Since all phenomena of culture are subject to deconstruction, such elemental force as memes, is no exception. In fact, meme deconstruction is no different from deconstruction in art and in a general sense implies a process of transferring a composition or its part into a new context or environment, where all the contradictions arise, and thus the phenomenon acquires a new meaning, moving away from previous ideas. There are two kind...