Slavic Fantasy and the Russian Neopaganism
No doubt that Slavs have one of the richest traditional cultures in the world. Due to its kind of apartness it has saved many original features, remaining unique in its own way, especially among the East Slavs. However, over time, formations and lifestyles had been changing, the regimes and society conditions were replacing each another, while traditions, though remained unchanged, still mutated imperceptibly. In the late postmodernity, where all the types of culture merged into the mass culture, and accepted divisions on "high", "low", "pop", etc. became only the nominal verges of one omnibus culture, the "traditional" one ceased to exist in its original sense. Moreover, the traditions themselves have died. Now traditional culture is an ephemeral part of modern "folk" culture which is the verge of the mass culture itself. In fact, it is a mere blurry view of ancestors' life, in other words, a simulacrum, an attempt to imitate ...