BIONICLE: The Soul of the 00's
Some people consider 2000s as the time of depression, paranoia and intensification of international terrorism. However, for those whose childhood or youth came at this era, 00's is the best time of life. The new millennium was marked by many technological, economic and cultural upheavals. One of such upheavals was Bionicle.
Bionicle is the quintessence of the noughties and of all the best things that were there, the reflection of the era, and its soul. It was one of several series that saved LEGO from a prolonged crisis of the 90's, returning the company to the world market. Because of its duration (10 years) Bionicle has captured the cultural image of its time, the zeitgeist. A huge amount of content and multimedia which is the attribute of any sufficiently large franchise provided the series an excellent background. Paradoxically, most of this filling has no connection with the canon itself. That is why Bionicle decently looks like an independent series without a background of 00's, and even as a separate universe without sets and toys. Of course, the fuller the image, the brighter and more saturated the impression of the entire series, but the multilayered nature is one of the advantages of Bionicle. If some fans only watched the plot, they missed a ton of games, merch, and other things that made this saga truly epoch-making. If before franchises were limited to toys, serials on TV, films, comics, merchandise, and other "traditional" types of media content, the Internet made new adjustments, becoming a milestone in the production and distribution of this content. Despite the fact that everything around was the product of its era, whether it be popular in the 00's 3D cartoons or characteristic baggy clothes, I will mention only the digital content. Hardcore fans of the series may not even read the article, because it's nothing but a statement of facts which, nevertheless, can become a bridge of nostalgia, "refreshing" the memory of those times.
The Website
Bionicle is the quintessence of the noughties and of all the best things that were there, the reflection of the era, and its soul. It was one of several series that saved LEGO from a prolonged crisis of the 90's, returning the company to the world market. Because of its duration (10 years) Bionicle has captured the cultural image of its time, the zeitgeist. A huge amount of content and multimedia which is the attribute of any sufficiently large franchise provided the series an excellent background. Paradoxically, most of this filling has no connection with the canon itself. That is why Bionicle decently looks like an independent series without a background of 00's, and even as a separate universe without sets and toys. Of course, the fuller the image, the brighter and more saturated the impression of the entire series, but the multilayered nature is one of the advantages of Bionicle. If some fans only watched the plot, they missed a ton of games, merch, and other things that made this saga truly epoch-making. If before franchises were limited to toys, serials on TV, films, comics, merchandise, and other "traditional" types of media content, the Internet made new adjustments, becoming a milestone in the production and distribution of this content. Despite the fact that everything around was the product of its era, whether it be popular in the 00's 3D cartoons or characteristic baggy clothes, I will mention only the digital content. Hardcore fans of the series may not even read the article, because it's nothing but a statement of facts which, nevertheless, can become a bridge of nostalgia, "refreshing" the memory of those times.
The Website

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The original Bionicle has ended in 2010, and Hero Factory joined the game. This series was just an experiment to introduce the universal system of CCBS, so it was not particularly memorable. While honing their skills on "heroes" and "villains", LEGO applied all the experience of the past years in 2015, reviving the former theme. Extremely, G2 turned out to be a good impersonation of the second half of the 2010's with their digitalization and simplification (tablet games, a series on Netflix, contests in social networks instead of magazines). Unfortunately, the creators didn't make enough effort, and the series has failed.
Thus, Bionicle, even if not consciously, proved to be an epoch-making thing. This is the advantage of short franchises over larger ones: they are self-sufficient and entirely are the product of their era, whereas full-scale universes that exist for 20 or 30 years don't have clear boundaries, even if they are divided into "generations".
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