The Digital Renaissance Man
During the Renaissance, when culture and arts were raising from the ashes of Middle Ages, the polymaths, people who succeed in many non-related professional areas, were highly appreciated. Obviously, the concept of homo universalis or Renaissance Man was created at that time. Leonardo Da Vinci, whose practical, theoretical and artistic works have changed the world, and whose physical strength amazed his contemporaries, became the brightest polymath in history. If we take him as an example, it turns out that a true polymath should have achievements in academic/research activities (mathematics, linguistics, philosophy) and art (architecture, visual arts, music, literature), as well as physical activity (sports). One also can add civilian activities, for example, the struggle for rights or even politics. In truth, becoming a professional polymath like Da Vinci isn't possible at the moment because of the amount of information accumulated in all areas of activity, and also simply because it is not profitable. Nevertheless, polymaths continue to exist from the point of view of multipurpose development. Another thing is that they adhere to one or two areas, having the rest as a hobby. Many of these hobbies are revealed on the Internet, as it provides maximum opportunities for self-realization nowadays.
Indeed, the Internet is truly a new world. On the Internet, we can become anyone: a researcher, artist, writer, politician, journalist, culturologist, philosopher, and just an independent creator. The fates of websites, whole communities, and even other people depend on our actions. At the moment, a web nation is one of the dominating elemental powers, and the production of content is the highest form of activity. On the other hand, often this activity is not more than a hobby, leisure time, while the character of digital content doesn't imply such vital importance and professionalism like the real one. However, it doesn't matter whether it is hobby or not, because the main thing is quality. The Internet content makers can be divided into 4 categories: submitters, creators, geniuses, and polymaths. While submitters are any people adding their content on the web, they are different from creators in terms of nonparticipation. Their creativity is usually considered "naive" and sometimes becomes a meme. Creators are aware users who are, in most cases, involved into weblore, consciously using the Internet to spread their art. Geniuses are creators who have realized themselves in one or a couple of own fields of activity: these are bright artists, designers, bloggers, and many others. Polymaths are successful in several non-related spheres like art and research.
Also, in digital space, communities play major, even an essential role. Thematic communities include subcultures dedicated to specific topic, be it fandoms or interest groups. Non-thematic are communities tied primarily to communication and common interests without a link to the certain subject. These may be a departed side of a thematic community or a company of old friends. Nearly in every group, not depending on its locality, there is a prominent person, a creator, genius, or even a polymath who, besides usual communication, works hard for the good of community via the content creation. However, submitters might not be a thing, in view of their online alienaion or the character of these communities itself.
Despite the fact that most of thematic communities are of a mass character and there are no any actual limitations, many geniuses dwell mainly in one subculture and work for the benefit of its development. They are extremely active in their environment, and in most cases, content production is their hobby, to which all passion and enthusiasm is given. There is a plenty of examples, since every community has at least one genius, but I can bring a couple of such people. For example, AntVenom, a man with a pathological love for Minecraft and its technical aspects. Or Marphy Black who is a big fan of old school shooters (DOOM, Blood, Duke Nukem), an active participant in the Combine Wiki, a mapper and researcher of everything obscure related to these areas. More local example is my friend Brick Brickolson, an amazing artist whose talent has no limits, MOCer, designer, blogger, and even a content archivist.
In the context of communities, polymaths are users who don't limit themselves with one subculture during the production of content. They can even establish their own communities or run native ones, since in most cases their elevated status implies a social recognition, and therefore the power. The main force that drives a polymath is an idea and realization of creative potentional in the digital space. They use the web at full, rigging any platform for their needs, be it a social network, personal blog, or a YouTube channel. Digital polymaths might be "residents" or "nomads" wandering from one social group to another, or simply creating content remotely, not depending on their contacts with one or the other community and its people.
Since homo universalis is a versatile person who covers all spheres of activity, digital polymaths could "swim" in their environment like fish in the water. A likely attribute is also a high skill in video games. As an option, the true polymath needs to have a strong system of views, basically having an opinion for every case, and defend their point of view, thereby being sure in every discussion. An ability of searching the facts and skill to navigate quickly in the abyss of useless information to benefit are indispensable qualities of polymaths.
On the other hand, such an intensive investment of personal resources into the Internet requires the availability of another, most important resource: time. However, turbulent social activity is seems to many an insignificant sacrifice, while some successfully combine it with their web life. Personally, I don't know any digital polymath, but guess they are exist. If not, I hope they will appear, sooner or later, because the Internet is becoming more available, and the process of accumulation of experience is a lot faster. In the real life, on the other hand, the amount of professional polymaths will reduce, whereas the geniuses will rise in their own fields.
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